Description and advantages

OEKO-TEX certification label

UNIPRINT A (item 301A) is a solvent-free water-based polyurethane mat and white print, laminated on a universal thermo-adhesive layer and applicable on all types of textiles including nylon or coated polyester for raincoats, luggages, umbrellas and other applications. The carrier is a self-adhesive polyester. It is suitable to Eco-solvent (including TrueVIS), Solvent, Latex and UV inks.

See also our UNIPRINT CLEAR STRETCH product.

  • Easy and accurate weeding, even of small letters, thanks to the self-adhesive polyester
  • In case of letters slightly lifted during weeding, they can be stuck again on carrier
  • Energy and time saving : 140°C-10 sec
  • Matt treated backside, avoids sliding on driving rollers.
  • Stays flat after printing
  • Bonds to all textiles including coated nylon
  • High durability of print after washings
  • Suitable to tumble dryer
  • Doesn’t wrinkle after washings
  • Solvent-free and PVC-free

Marking Film

Printable white, opaque, aqueous polyurethane

Heatadhesive copolymer, with matte surface

80 microns / USA 3.15 mils

Carrier film

Low tack self-adhesive polyester

110 microns, USA 4.3 mils

Printing Profiles

For 300 product family

Applicable on following textiles

Other uncoated
Coated nylon

Heating temperature and time

Standard textiles

quick to apply HTV

Coated Nylon

Maximum Washing temperature

Standard textiles

Coated Nylon